I have only had crepes once in my life. I was 13 and had just started taking French. The teacher brought them in as a "cultural experience." We had them with Nutella, and that's the only part I remember.
Fastforward 7 years. While I was studying abroad in London, I went to Paris with some friends. They all got amazing nutella-stuffed (some were healthier and opted for fruit-filled) crepes at a street-side creperie while I bravely informed them all that no, I was not jealous, I had my vegan granola bar, thank you very much.
I was a little jealous.
2 years later (ie, this past sunday), I decided it was time to become an eater of crepes. And since I have no one to make vegan crepes for me, I must also be a MAKER OF CREPES!
Never having made them before, I have no crepe pan. But I have my beloved cast-iron skillet!

I used the super-simple crepe recipe from the voluptuous vegan: 1 cup chickpea flour (thanks mom!), 1 cup flour (I used half whole wheat), 2 cups warm water, 2 tbsp olive oil, and salt.
My first crepe was une catastrophe:

Once my crepes were complete, I had to fill them. I thought about one of the many savory fillings from the Voluptuous Vegan or Veganomicon, but my sweet tooth won me over.
Vegan no-nut-nutella with banana / chocolat vegetalien avec des bananes:

blueberry-(soy)yogurt / myrtilles-yaourt (soja)

et Orange-peach / Peche orange

The "Orange Sin" filling is the same recipe as my strawberry sauce from last time, but with a bit more orange juice and frozen peaches in lieu of strawberries.
When I'm speaking french, I say it the french way (creps), but otherwise I say it "craypes," which absolutely appalls any non-americans I know. How do YOU say "crepes?"
Ok, now I am wondering why I have never made vegan crepes?! You've definitely inspired me to make some! So if you see pictures of vegan crepes popping up on my blog in the next month or so, know that it's all your fault hehe.
I love crepes SO much, color me jealous!
haha, I say 'craypes'. I am the worstest montrealer ever. XD
I have never had a crepe. I thought they were supposed to be like thin pancakes, but you've shown me a whole new world!
I haven't made or had crepes, ever. And there's no excuse! (Well, maybe I do have an excuse: I always make pancakes instead!)
And you got really good really fast at making crepes.
Please tell me that you made three differing crepe toppings, put them on three different plates, and had three plates of crepes for breakfast! Please! Because that would be quite, quite rad of you.
crepes?!?!?! très belle!!! :0)
I don't think I've had a crepe since I was in France over 7 years ago (no a vegan). I admit I've been wary of trying due to the issues you experienced with your first one, but you've given me hope!!
Oh, and I probably say crayps but with a slight southern drawl.... hee hee.
I've never had a crepe. The desire to make and eat some has been coming around a lot lately, though. TV shows, movies... this blog post.
They look yummy. Especially the 'Orange Sin.'
Yay! I can't wait!
Crepe looks nice finally :) .
This is my first time to this blog, and I liked it.
I to ocook vegeterian only, there is wide varity of veggie dishes you can find in my blog. take a look if you like it.
Chocolate banana crepes sound heavenly! By the end of the batch yours looked downright professional, you inspire me to give it a try!
I'm so glad to know that you and your mom liked the sauerkraut salad... I was amazed that so many people left comments on my blog saying they had never heard of sauerkraut! They are missing out, huh? ;o)
ooh, its been ages since I had a crepe. My family is french canadian - but since that often includes sorry-excuses-for-real-french, i say 'craypes' most of the time. unless i'm in the presence of francophones!
we had crepes alot when i was a wee kid - usually just with jam. so good!
oops forgot to mention - thanks for the kindness about eating solo. it would be fun to have a vegan friend in this city (how do i not have any?!) so let's figure out a food meet-up, sometime!
But what is your technique secret?!
I say craypes :p
With no-nutella!! Yum!! I remember growing up and going to Italy I'd always have crepes with nutella on the beach. Now I must try it as a vegan. Great work! (The first crepe always fails for me, until I get a hang of it).
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