I got the recipe from Martha Stewart, but I changed it (because I never follow recipes). I halved it, first of all, which I recommend because it makes so much. I also used different oranges: two "normal" oranges and two tangelos.* But also, the amount of sugar in Martha's recipe is astronomical, so I cut it down to 1/2 cup for every cup of goop. I still thought that sounded like a lot, but the mixture was really sour, so I went with it. And it tastes delicious. And while I will probably never make it again because it's rather tedious, I am really glad to have tried it once!
Um, by the way, I now have an absurd amount of marmalade, way more than I have toast. Any recipe recommendations?
I also relied on a Martha Stewart recipe for Valentine's Day!
I don't have cookie cutters, so I used a glass to cut the rounds and a knife to cut out the hearts.
But I do not rely on Martha Stewart for everything. For example, I had some dried (white) lima beans taking up space on my shelf for to long, so I cooked them up... and realized I have no idea what to do with lima beans. So I made up a dilly lima bean hummus! This will also work with any white beans, like cannellini.
2 Cups lima (or any other white) beans
1/4 to 1/2 cup fresh dill, loosely chopped
3 Tbsp Vegenaise (if you don't have/like/want vegenaise, use olive oil)
1 Tbsp lemon juice or vinegar
1/8 tsp salt (1/4 if you use olive oil instead of vegenaise)
a few twists freshly-ground black pepper
1 tsp dulse flakes or ripped-up dulse (optional but delicious)
1 tsp nutritional yeast (optional but delicious)
Blend all ingredients. It will be gross and goopy, but such is hummus.
It's good as a dip or a sandwich spread. You can also water it down and use it as a sauce for middle eastern and/or greek meals (like tahini or yogurt sauce, but healthier).
*-I do want to remind you all to use organic food whenever possible, but especially when you are using a food's peel/rind/zest.
Yay, you're back!
I wouldn't know what to do with lima beans either -- hummus sounds like just the thing! They'd always feed us overcooked plain limas at my day care when I was little and I haven't touched that kind of bean since!
Veganizing a Martha Stewart recipe seems like a smart route to take! Cuuute cookies! And wow, marmalade revelation! I didn't know that it was supposed to be so much better!
mmmm, your lima bean hummus looks incredible!
Aww, I used to love Paddington (I was born in England and had a HUGE Paddington toy-- he was bigger than me!)
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