

garlicky sauteed radishes

When I eat radishes, they're usually raw. Occasionally pickled. But this week, after receiving a beautiful bunch of radishes in our CSA, I didn't feel like crunching on them... and, as I showed you yesterday, we have enough pickles for the moment. So I decided to try something new with them!

It was so simple to saute the radishes that feel silly giving you a recipe, so I'll just tell you the process: I sliced an entire bunch of radishes, then sauteed them in a Tbsp of olive oil with 3 cloves of minced garlic and salt and pepper. Once they started to get tender, I added the radish greens, chopped, and a Tbsp of balsamic vinegar. I then cooked another minute or two, until the greens were lightly wilted and all the liquid was gone.

The results were superb! It was a nice change from the normal ways I eat radishes; sauteeing them gets them nice and soft, but not soggy like braising them sometimes does. They have a light texture and taste, so they're a nice, lighter touch to a heavier meal...
Like if you're eating them with cornbread (I use the recipe from the Veganomicon) smothered with a bean-based gravy. At the time: the bread and butter pickles I showed you yesterday. I put them on everything.

I have a confession: after I took this picture, I ladled waaaaay more gravy on top. It ended up a lot less photogenic than this : )

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