
chocolate-covered katie's protein bars

Before you look at the pictures of the "3-minute" high protein granola bars that I made from Chocolate Covered Katie's recipe, you should look at hers. They are sweet and cute and pretty, and if you follow the recipe closely, yours will be too.

The recipe is also delicious. However, readers of this blog will know that I am almost incapable of making a recipe without somehow making changes, so naturally I changed a bunch of things. My version of her granola bars is NOT pretty. In fact, my granola bars turned out really ugly.
But I am not ashamed! They are still delicious, and a little more nutritious.

They're green-brown because I used hemp protein powder and added some spirulina, because I used almond butter instead of peanut butter, AND because I added cocoa powder. They are still delicious, and take less than 3 minutes to make. (A little longer to freeze, which makes them cuttable.)

In case anyone is wondering whether they have to be kept frozen (as Katie suggests), the answer is no! I only froze them to slice them. I've carried one around in my bag all day and it was still solid enough to be held at one end (similar to a Larabar in texture). We are storing them in the fridge just so they keep longer.