sweet potato quinoa burger
I don't always have time to sift through the VeganMofo Blogroll to find new blogs and see what other participants are up to, so I love It displays a random participating blog each time you load the page; sometimes I just end up clicking "next random blog" a dozen times when I was just going to read one!
It was through that I found Vegetable Centric Kitchen's Sweet Potato Quinoa Burgers, just as I was wondering what to make for dinner that night. Problem solved!
When making the recipe, I (accidentally) left out the maple syrup, and used olive oil because I didn't have coconut, and the burgers were delicious! We had them with stir-fried bok choy and a side of quinoa. and of course, pickles on top (and pickled carrots on the side). The burgers take a while to make, as the potatoes and quinoa have to be fully cooked beforehand, and then the burgers bake for 40 minutes, but there's so little effort involved that it's an easy recipe to just have cooking while you get other stuff done. And they're much healthier than some of the other veggie burgers out there. So thanks, Veggie Centric Kitchen!
We have sweet potatoes and quinoa in our kitchen right now! I'll have to check out this recipe for sure. They look beautiful!