My name is Sarah, and I will be your blogger for this evening.
I'm a recent college grad who's moved from upstate NY to Boston to try her hand at the "real world" for a while. I'm a vegan, and I have a bunch of food allergies. I'm crazy about cooking and am always on the lookout for new recipes... but it's a little hard when I'm allergic to a lot of the foods I see.
I'm always a little sad when I come across great recipes for things that I can't eat. I do a lot of adapting and a lot of "winging it." I'm a long-time reader of various vegan blogs and websites and recently, after a day of making several dishes I'd adapted or completely made up, I thought, man, it'd be great if someone would post this sort of stuff online. And then I realized... I could. So I got off my lazy bum and started this blog!
Stay tuned for recipes for all sorts of foods, reviews of various vegan and organic products, and accounts of eating and living vegan out and about in boston!
Thank you for coming to
FYI, I added a link to your blog at!